Anxiety doesn’t have to eat up your time and energy.
Mindful awareness of what you are experiencing can help you learn to redirect your focus to what is truly important.
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Anxiety doesn’t have to eat up your time and energy.
Mindful awareness of what you are experiencing can help you learn to redirect your focus to what is truly important.
Read morePanic attacks are scary. But they are not dangerous. Learn some steps to help you ride the wave of panic attacks and to potentially prevent them in the future.
Read moreOne way to reduce suffering involved in today’s health crisis is to hone the skill of mindfulness. By practicing mindfulness you can pay attention to your current experience without adding drama and negativity on top of it. You can experience life as it is. Learn a way to reduce your own suffering now.
Read moreUncertainty and fear are quite prevalent right now. If you need something to do to help you manage your stress and anxiety, I have listed some of my favorite apps. You can help both your self and those you love from the safety of your own home. Try some of these out.
Read moreWe are all connected
We have all heard about Covid-19 as a worldwide pandemic. Equal to the virus is the pandemic of fear. It behooves us to get a handle on our stress and fear and find ways to channel that energy into something more productive. Perhaps this virus is the reset most of us didn’t know we needed.
Read moreIntroducing TeleMentalHealth -a way to reduce the barriers that weather, illness or travel can introduce to regular counseling visits. Read on and learn when and how telehealth might work for you.
Read moreEMDR is a mind/body therapy that has the ability to remove the emotional charge from a memory. Without that emotional charge we can move through life in a more adaptive and energy conserving way. If you find that certain thoughts or memories keep showing up on repeat, perhaps EMDR is a therapy worth considering.
Read moreCreating multiple resources is a vital tool to effective EMDR therapy. One resource involves recognizing all the good things that happen in our lives and quite literally “tapping them into” our neurology so they can be accessed later in our day to day lives. Tapping is a simple activity that can enhance your enjoyment in life.
Read moreCreative, clean, natural beauty. That’s the new vibe of my website. Come check it out.
Read moreI have sought treatment for my anxiety before but I am still suffering. While fear, worry and anxious body sensations still apply, OCD has a unique wrinkle that often gets missed because of it’s subtlety. OCD used to be categorized as an anxiety disorder but now it has it’s own classification. OCD is highly treatable.
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